Kodi Repository List Zip Download

Kodi includes an interface to browse other repositories for add-ons that are not part of the Official Kodi Repository. A listing of unofficial repositories is available below. Note: The listing here is provided as a convenience and Kodi does not warrant suitability of a repository or its add-ons.

The kodi media player is a varied featured open source media player. This is a third party media player because of this reason everyone can create their own kodi add-on. I think you may have used different kodi add-ons such as Exodus, nemesis, covenant, specto, Elysium, ..etc.

These kodi add-ons are the third-party add-ons. As we all know about the installation procedure of the kodi add-on. Because of this reason we haven’t mentioned the installation procedure. Here we mainly focussed on the kodi repositories.

From this article, we are going to share about what kind of repositories do you have in this add-on, what is the guide to install the repository, These kinds of information you will get to know from this article.

Before we are going to a deep discussion about the kodi repositories we need to know about the repository. In the below, we are giving some information about the repositories just follow them.

What Is The Repository?

A repository will allow you access to your add-ons. It will give you the information about the need of add-ons update. The add-ons will automatically be refreshed because the add-on update is compulsory.

Finally, the repository will help you to access the add-ons quickly, It will provide you with the automatic update information.

You may install your add-ons without the repository but you will miss the updated versions information of kodi addons. Because of this, you should have the kodi repository.

Few Words About VPN

Before we are going to say about the repository and kodi add-ons you have to know about the VPN. The VPN will allow you to watch your favourite videos through the kodi add-ons with privacy.

It can deliver your favourite shows and videos even in restricted areas also. So we are personally suggesting you, use this VPN for your safety.

Install A Kodi Repo

there are two separate ways to install this repo for pc/laptop users and kodi box users to run the kodi addon. In the below, we are giving separate proforma to install the repository for both laptop and kodi box users.

Install A Kodi Repo For Kodi Box

If you are watching your favourite shows through the android tv box then you have to install the below kodi repository. The steps are as follows

  1. Firstly you have to go to the System option in kodi
  2. Then click on the File Manager
  3. And next select Add Source
  4. Then it will shows <none> option
  5. You have to Click Double On it
  6. After this, you will get an option which says ENTER A NAME FOR THIS MEDIA SOURCE
  7. To that source, you can Give any name according to your remembering
  8. Then click on the File Source
  9. The file source will deliver a different kind of add-ons
  10. You can click on your Favourite addon to install it
  11. The installed addon will appear in the file manager’s folder which you have given a name to it

NOTE: These steps apply only to the android box users to install the kodi repo for their android box or kodi box.

Install A Kodi Repo For PC/Laptop

If you want to watch your favourite tv shows or your favourite movies on your pc/laptop with kodi addon you have installed a repository to update your current kodi. So follow the below steps to install the kodi repo to get updated versions of kodi add-ons to your pc/laptops.

  1. Open any Web browser on your PC/ Laptop
  2. Enter the Repository name which you want to install
  3. You will watch a link to download a repo
  4. And Download the zip to your hard drive
  5. Then click on the Install from zip
  6. It will finish the installation

The above steps are quite common to install the repo to your laptop/ pc kodi addons. From the below, we are mentioning two different methods for two different kodi add-ons. The kodi add-ons are KODI 16 and KODI 17.

For kodi 16 version the below instructions will apply

  • Choose Add-ons from kodi 16 main menu
  • Then click on the box icon which was located on the top left side.

For kodi 17 version the below instructions will apply

  • Choose the System option
  • Then select settings and then Add-ons
  • And then Install from zip
  • Then go to Desktop

A popup message will appear to you after completion of all steps which we have said above. Then you can run the repo through the install from repository.

NOTE: The above steps you should follow after completion of the above 6 steps and then you have to go for your current kodi addon like we have mentioned as for kodi 16 and for kodi 17 These steps apply only for to pc/laptop.

Four Kodi Terms You Should Know


Frequently we use some common words in kodi add-ons. But most of the users don’t know what is the exact meaning of that word. So here we are mentioning that words names and giving a short description to them. Just have a look at this and get some awareness about them.


The kodi add-on had two types of developers they are we all know third-party developers and official developers. These two developers had their own style in maintaining and releasing the kodi add-ons.

The third-party developers release the add-ons, builds, wizards and other kodi extensions.

The official kodi developers maintain the base kodi software platform.


In kodi add on the builds have widgets, unique wallpapers and menu bars. It is a fully customised version of the kodi software. The builds are streamlined and up to date.


The kodi add-on is an open source add-on. For this reason, anyone can create an add-on. It will add the new features or functionality to the kodi add-on.

The third-party add-ons mainly focus on the delivery of the videos with quality and stream as best as possible. If you want to get a large number of add-ons you can get them through the add-on or from the add-on.


This acts like a bank which hides and stores add on files and keep them up to date. If you merely using the kodi addon you will not get the updates notification but if you are using the repository, eventually it will give you a reminder to update your kodi add-on.

With this advantage, you will be enjoying with added features of the updated version add-on which is including new videos and new tv shows.

These terms you should know while using the kodi add-on. These descriptions are giving you a more information about the kodi add-on frequently used terms.

Best Working Kodi Repositories In 2021

There are so many repositors to stream the videos and update your Kodi add-ons. But many repositors went offline. This issue has been struggling the users and the users also getting aversion on the repository those are going to offline. But here we are mentioning some repositories which aren’t going to offline. They are as follows.


To install this latest 2021 repository, you have to follow the same procedure as we discussed the installation procedure for other repositories. But you need to enter the separate URL for this and the URL is “http://fusion.tvaddons.co/”

That’s if you can get this repository for your Kodi and also you can get all its latest updated features which were included in 2020.

Repo 2:Maverick Repo

The maverick repo has few addons with it but it can give more featured effects than the other repositories. So this year it is in on of the first positions. To install this repository you have to use the URL and its URL is “http://mavericktv.net/mavrepo/”

Repo 3: Blamo Repository

To get the latest blamo repository you need to follow the same procedure when you use the steps to install the different repositories but when it comes to enter the URL you have to enter its own official URL and its URL is “http://repo.mrblamo.xyz “

Repo 4: Jesus box Repository

This repository is one of the best repositories among the 2021 repositories. So as we said in the above lines you have to follow the same procedure to install this repository but you have to enter the URL of its own and its URL is “http://jesusboxrepo.xyz/repo”

Repo 5: Super Repo

Super repo will collect all the add-ons that mean little-known add-ons. This had only significant add-ons and most of the add-ons are broken. In the below, you can know how to navigate super repo and other topics about the super-repo.

Guide For Navigation Of Super Repo:

Because of super repo having more important add-ons, it had to divide the add-ons according to their categories and several sub-repositories.

For that, you have to install the particular add-on for a particular purpose. For example, if you want to have a video add-on from the super-repo then you need to double click on the super-repo video category for install the super-repo video add-ons.

How To Install Super Repo;

You may have seen the installation steps in the beginning of this article. You can follow them to install the super-repo repository.

Repository 6: Mucky Duck

We all know as istream was an excellent video add-on. But many istream followers have been saying this is a mucky duck add-on. If you have checked once in the mucky duck add on about the istream add-on. You won’t get the istream addon. In the below, we are mentioning some more news about the mucky duck. You can check below.

Mucky Duck Add-ons Missed

Gorilla streams and movie pool, pub film, lucky film all are they one of the add ons in the mucky duck repository. But nowadays they missed and not working in this repository.

The mucky duck will be relevant when it is pick up istream. And also it is indicating that it is working in several fresh kodi add-ons.

How to install Mucky Duck Repository;

As we said above you can follow them with blind eyes to install the Mucky Duck repository. I think it is easy to install the Mucky Duck Repository on your kodi add-ons.

Repository 7: Ares Repository

We all know the Exodus is the very popular add-on. But it has stopped its working when the tv add-ons went down. The Exodus team has developed the Ares wizard and from this Ares wizard, you can download the exodus new independent version.

Actually, the Ares repository has been created and developed by the Ares Project Community. The Ares Wizard community also performing its working capability well.

We have discussed the builds. Ares wizard has some builds from that we are suggesting you use Apollo.

Choose Builds From Ares Repository

Ares wizard is the Ares project repository and we are suggesting you use the Apollo. Apollo is an excellent colossal build. If you are using a smartphone, raspberry, kodi box,..etc then you need to use build which is a little lighter.

Ares Repository Missing Dependency Error

When you had installed the Ares repository before knowing the Ares wizard you may get missing dependency error. But now you no need to worry about the missing dependency error. The Ares wizard let Ares repository run smoothly without any interruptions. So you have to use Ares wizard to install any add-ons through the Ares repository project.

How To Install Ares Repository;

We have given the install steps in the beginning of this article. So, you can follow them easier to install the Ares Repository.

Repository 8: Noobs And Nerds

From this noobs and nerds repository, we are suggesting you install an add-on which is called as sports devil. The sports devil add-on has no issues with its performance. It is giving the best channels and videos now. But when it wasn’t taken any issues from the users it is not interested to update this, when it is getting issues and comments from the users it is concentrating on the better performance and auto-update system.

Sports Devil:

Here we are mentioning the topic about the installation procedure. You can install this Sports Devil add-on with the below steps.

  • You have to open the New tab In your Browser
  • Enter the following address
  • https://goo.gl/XL6K9W
  • Download the sports devil zip file
  • Go to the Home screen in your kodi
  • Click on the Add ons
  • Next, select My Add-ons
  • Select the icon like(…..) this
  • Select Install from zip
  • Keep your installed file in this link plugin.video.SportsDevil-2017_NL15-7.zip
  • Now your add-on has installed wait till the pop-up message will appear
  • Now select your addons from the kodi home screen

Metalliq :

The noobs and nerds had another add-on. From the below, you can know more about that add-on. The add-on is Metalliq. The metalliq is an important add-on among all add-ons of noobs and nerds repository. The Metalliq can work more efficient as compared exodus and other kodi add-ons.

Bob Unrestricted:

You can find another great add-on after the exodus is Bob Unrestricted. Exodus is getting some issue in delivering the videos many users are coming to use the Bob Unrestricted.

It always keeps its version up to date and delivers more videos in the good quality as compared to Specto, Elysium,..etc So it is better as compared to all kodi addons.

How to Install Noobs And Nerds:

You can follow the above steps easily to install the noobs and nerds repository to your kodi. Enjoy all your favourite add-ons through the noobs and nerds repository.

Repo 9: Kodil

Kodil is the best repository for sports. But the Kodil has not been updating from 2015. But it had many features and it had many add-ons that other add-ons cannot give.

Kodil Installation Guide:

The kodil installation steps all are same as like we have mentioned above of this article. You can use them to install your favorite kodil repository.

Repo 10: Merlin Repository

Merlin repository has contained many videos add-ons. It is the best repository for kodi users. It will deliver more video add-ons such as pulse sports, WWE archive, …etc.

This repository had so many features and it can update your add-ons from time to time. It will give the updates information to the Merlin builds.

Repo 11: Echo Repository

From this repository, we can find the updated versions of various add-ons. It will give up to date information about the kodi add-ons and you can follow that information to install the top kodi add-ons which contained by the echo repository.

Repo 12: Tv Add-on Repository

This tv add-on repository is one of the familiar repositories to the Kodi users. It delivers all kind of videos such as movies, learning, sports, …etc It accesses the following add-ons they are as follows Navi- X, Phoenix, X Factor, Red Bull, NBA, Earth Cam,.. etc,

These are the best repositories you can use in the Kodi open source media player. We hope these repositories will satisfy your wishes through delivering the best add ons.

From the below, you are going to learn to know about the dead kodi repositors. If you learn about that you can know that which is useful to you or which is not suitable for you.

Dead Kodi Repositories

Here we are mentioning some dead kodi repositories names as well as some information also you may know from the below article.There are four dead kodi repositories you can find and we are mentioning their names here. They are 1) Xunity Talk Repository 2) Echo Repository 3) Fusion 4) Torrent Streaming Repo

Dead Kodi Repository 1: Xunity Talk Repository

The Xunity talk was pulled to offline. And this Xunity talk repository team wants to come back with new features and with an updated version.

Dead Kodi Repository 2: Echo Repository

Echo repository delivered so many add-ons but it is also pulled to offline. The developer of this echo repository who is popularly known as Echo coder wants to manage this echo repository and it will come to the kodi world again to give the better performance to the users.

Dead Kodi Repository 3: Fusion Repository

The fusion repository mainly connected to indigo add-on. But it is not working by the indigo add-on in recent days. It has been shut down in the first week of January 2020. If you have any indigo add-on or any other add-ons which are related to fusion you have to close them immediately otherwise you will be getting some errors while using this repository.

Dead Kodi Repository 4: Torrent Streaming Repository

Offshoregit was reliable for hosting in the torrent streaming repository. When the offshoregit was gone to offline the torrent streaming repository has no add-ons with its. So it is better to don’t have this repository with you.

From the above four repositories are not giving the perfect add-ons to the users. So here we are emphasising do not use them for your kodi add-ons. So try to read the full article to know more information about the kodi repositories. We have included nearly all repositories which are for using now and which are for not suitable with present repositories.

In the below, we are mentioning some top kodi add-ons. So you have a chance to use an add-on which will suit for your repositories. But before we are listing the top kodi add-ons we want to inform what is a kodi.

What Is A Kodi

Kodi is an open source media player. It is developed and it will be updated by the XBMC. It is available for many smartphones and other pc and laptops.

What Is A Kodi Add-on

The kodi add-on is a programme it runs within the kodi open source media player. There are many kodi add-ons and we are going to mention some top kodi add-ons for October 2020. They are as follows 1) Covenant 2) Elysium 3) Bennu 4) Bob unleashed

1) Covenant

The covenant kodi addon is the best add-on in 2020 as compared to Exodus and Genesis. The covenant has been receiving the huge response from the users since lambda stopped updating the exodus. Ares wizard added this add-on to its group of the add-on. The Ares wizard repository removed exodus add-on from its group.

2) Elysium

I think you knew about the zen add-on. This Elysium add-on is the continuation of the zen add-on. It can deliver all your favourite videos and tv shows.

3) Bennu

Phoenix add-on again created and called as bennu addon. I hope this is rid of Phoenix users.

4) Bob Unleashed

You may know about the bob unrestricted. It is the noobs and nerds repository add-on. Now it is called as bob unleashed. It had much content such as TV shows, sports, animation, and so on.

These are the add-ons which are creating a trend in the recent kodi add-ons. You also try these kodi add-ons through installing the add-ons from your favourite repositories.

How To Install A Kodi Add-on

We all know about the repositories from the repositories only we can get updated add-ons. So you have to give the correct URL web address to the repository. Then you can choose your favourite add-on from the repositories and install that add-on. Then enjoy your favourite videos through your interested add-on which you have installed from the repositories.

Before ending my writing I want to say about these repositories. these repositories will let you know more updated versions of kodi add-ons. So you won’t miss any add-ons.

Kodi app is undeniably the top choice for all entertainment buffs out there. If you want to experience the best software that has almost all the shows that you are looking for, it is the Kodi that will suffice your needs. But Kodi has only a few official kodi addons that offer only a handful of channels and shows. And if you want more out of this media tool, you need to learn how to install Fusion on Kodi.

You see, Kodi, while it is an open-source project, it is legal. And with more than 500 developers that makes this media tool better and better every single day. Not to mention the thousands of addon creators out there, not many people are actually enjoying the Kodi’s full potential.

So this is where the Fusion on Kodi comes in. The Fusion repository is like a hosting server that provides amazing different addons. These addons are mostly the top choices in terms of quality content. This repository is best for those beginners and does not have the time and effort to install different add-ons from different repos.

The Fusion on Kodi repository already has a great list of add-ons such as Exodus for Kodi, Covenant, Elysium for Kodi, and Magic Dragon. If you have been using these addons, you know that they are offering only the best list of shows and movies out there. That’s like using Netflix, HBO, and other paid online streaming services for free.

So if the Fusion on Kodi repository sounds good to you, then it is time that you learn how to install this to your Kodi media center. Don’t worry. We have made this tutorial simple and easy to follow. So all you need to do is follow the instruction, and you will be binge4-watching all your favorite shows in just A couple of minutes.

Kodi Repository List 2018

Contents1 How to Install Fusion on Kodi
  • How to Install Fusion on Kodi

    Before we head straight to install Fusion on Kodi, there is something you need to do first. This part of the tutorial is for those users who have not yet done any third party addon installation yet.

    For beginners, you will need to unlock certain Kodi settings in order to allow the system to accept third-party addon installation. This is important so that everything will work out the way they should be.

    Enabling Third-Party Installation

    1. Before we can proceed to the actual installation of the Fusion on Kodi, you need to enable installation for Unknown Sources first. On your Kodi main home page, go to the Kodi settings. It is the gear icon on the top-left corner of the screen.
    2. Once you see the Settings menu, scroll down to the “System Settings” button.
    3. Under the System Settings, click the “Add-ons” tab.
    4. You should now find the “Unknown Sources” settings. Enable it so we can start installing third-party addons.

    Installing Fusion on Kodi

    1. Now that the “Unknown Sources” is finally installed you need to go back up a notch just still within the Settings menu and click on the File Manager.
    2. Inside the File Manager, scroll down to the “Add Source” area and click on it.
    3. On the “Add File Source” window, click on the “None” address bar.
    4. Now, a blank address bar will appear, type in the http://fusion.tvaddons.co/ and press OK.
    5. Below is the “Enter a name for this media source,” click on it and name your file source. You can use any name that you want. For now, we will just call it “Fusion” and press OK.
    6. Now go back to the Kodi homepage and scroll down to the “Add-ons” tab and enter.
    7. Once inside the “Add-ons” menu, click on the box icon on the top-left corner of the screen.
    8. On the next page, scroll down a little bit and find the “Install from ZIP file” tab.
    9. Inside, look for the media source that we created earlier. We named it “Fusion” but if you used another name, find that name instead. For now, click on the ”Fusion” tab.
    10. Once you click it, let it load for a few seconds depending on your internet speed.
    11. On the next menu, click on the “Kodi Repos” button.
    12. Inside you should find the “English” option, then click on it.
    13. On the next page, you will find a long list of available ZIP files. Scroll down and look for the “repository.xbmchub-3.0.0.zip” and click on it to start the download.
    14. Once the download and installation are through, go back up a notch and under the “Add-ons” menu, go up to the “Install from repository” option.
    15. Now, once inside, you will see the new “TVADDONS.CO Add-on repository” option. Click on it to see the existing menu.
    16. On the list, click on the “Video Add-ons” to see all the available add-ons.
    17. You should now see the long list of available addons. Among the list, you will see the “Indigo” tab. Click on it.
    18. Under the Indigo addon, click the “Install” button on the bottom-right corner of the page.
    19. The installation should instantly begin. Wait for it until you see the “Open” button is finally available for a click.
    20. You may choose to open the Indigo (Fusion), or you can just return to the main homepage and see the Indigo icon.

    Read on Kodivedia to discover about Magic Dragon. You can also learn more about updates on Kodi and alternatives from our site.

    Features of Indigo

    In case you are not sure why you need Indigo (Fusion) for you Kodi, here is the list of features that you can expect about this tool. You will find that this is a multi-functional tool that is very much effective especially when you need to optimize and fix back your Kodi when it starts to get buggy and slow.

    Simple Configuration Wizard

    If you are a beginner, you will only need the Indigo Fusion on Kodi. This already has some pre-installed great addons and some tweaks to make this Kodi running like new again.

    Factory Restore

    This Fusion on Kodi makes bringing back all the settings back to its default. Just wipe all the settings when things start to run with errors. This is also useful if you feel like you have recently installed some faulty add-ons. Restoring back to normal settings will be a breeze here. Just open the Fusion tool, and you should be all set and brand new in seconds.

    Internet Speed Test

    If you want to test out your current internet connection speed, this tool has you covered. You can use any media file to upload from 100Kb up to 5Gb and see how they fare up. This is helpful when you need to make sure that your streaming connectivity will be able to provide you a smooth entertainment experience.

    Show Listings

    As mentioned earlier, you will have pre-installed add-ons and along with it are shows and movies that you can watch immediately. Expect TV shows, Sports events, documentaries, and movies right at your fingertips. You will not have to download any addon yet if you just want to enjoy Kodi as soon as possible.

    Maintenance Tool

    Aside from the usual backup and restore to default settings, you can also choose to optimize and tweak the Kodi system manually. If there is only one package that you want to remove, this tool is the best option for you. This will be able to delete any remaining caches, thumbnail, and some customization that you did for the removed addons.

    Use VPN for KODI

    If you are living in a country where it is prohibited to stream copyrighted media content, then Kodi is probably not suitable for you. But if you really want to use Kodi despite this restriction, you may do so by using a VPN.

    This remedy is only available for Android smartphones, iOS for Kodi, Mac OS for Kodi, and Windows devices with Kodi. These platforms have available VPN apps that you can install and use.

    A VPN app’s main purpose is to hide a user’s online presence and make it appear somewhere else using a different IP address. This is done by creating an internet tunnel that bypasses all of the standard protocols of any ISP.

    This method is legal because this actually promotes safer internet activity and private browsing experience. And you can take advantage of this feature when you use Kodi on your device.


    Kodi Repository List Zip Download

    🔐Is Fusion Kodi safe?Yes, Fusion Kodi is safe; there is no risk of malware despite being open-source.✅Is Fusion Kodi legal? You see, Kodi, while it is an open-source project, it is legal. And with more than 500 developers that makes this media tool better and better every single day. Not to mention the thousands of addons creators out there, not many people are actually enjoying the Kodi’s full potential.

    Kodi Repository List Zip Download Windows 10

    👌Is Kodi Fusion still working?Fusion addon was taken down in 2019 for a number of months, but it is now back and better than ever. So, yes, Kodi Fusion is still working.

    In Conclusion

    If you are not fond of downloading one addon after the other, the Fusion on Kodi is what we highly recommend for you. It is already packed with all the good things that can improve your Kodi experience plus more. You can never go wrong with Fusion.

    Kodi Repository List Zip Download Free

    Do you think Fusion is your all-in-one Kodi tool? Tell us what you think about this Kodi tool. If you have another tool for Kodi similar to Fusion or even better, you may also tell us in the comment section. We would be glad to know what you guys think.

    If you have questions, suggestions, or if you just want to share your thoughts on this discussion on how to install fusion on kodi, you may do so by leaving your messages in the comment section below. We will try to respond to all of your messages as soon as we can. We will appreciate all your cooperation to bring positive effects on this community.

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