- Kaizo Mario World Rom Hack Download Ps4
- Kaizo Mario World Rom Hack Download Free
- Kaizo Mario World Rom Hack Download Full
A decent beginner Kaizo hack; the levels are fun, but are rather uninventive. The shelljump level is very good when it comes to practicing a few different types of shelljumps. For the most part, the trolls are mostly cheap and predictable. Overall, good job, nice beginner Kaizo hack. Posted by: Minish Yoshi - 2020-07-20 09:05:58 PM Link: Pagan. Baby Kaizo World. Homepage; Standard: Easy; Standard: Normal; Standard: Hard.
Kaizo Mario World is a extreme difficulty ROM hack by T. Takemoto for the beloved Super Mario World game which strives on presenting the player with cruel opposition.
Super Mario World was overwhelmingly critically acclaimed when it hit Western markets in 1991 and placed itself among Nintendo‘s all time greats and the best selling game for the SNES with its charming visuals and phenomenal replay value. The development team for this game was given much more freedom than previous Mario titles as Nintendo wanted to focus on the extra features and capabilities of the SNES. Interestingly, Yoshi was conceptualized well before this games release but only appeared here first due to hardware limitations.
New Game Features

This game has the following new features
- Masochistic Difficulty
- Completely New Levels
- Pain and Suffering
Game Description
If you want to see a video of Kaizo Mario World in action, check out the video below.
Kaizo Mario World, colloquially known as Asshole Mario, pulls the rug out from under the feet of anyone who may have considered themselves impressive SMW players. Accepted for taking the formula of “fair” levels in SMW and completely obliterating the very concept, this hack aims for the eyes without remorse.
A particular phrase applies quite well when approaching this hack, and the hacks that followed this devious work: “Abandon all hope, ye who enter.” Few other games in existence will test not only a player’s skill but also their patience and sanity.
Kaizo Mario World offers an avalanche of alterations to each of the levels of the game, completely rearranging them into what stands as the quintessential example of controlled chaos.
Title Screen
No changes to the title screen of the game are presented in this hack.
Kaizo Mario World Rom Hack Download Ps4
Minor graphical issues present themselves from time to time due to the nature of certain effects being crammed together on the scene where the original game had not intended, but it is nothing game breaking.

Kaizo Mario World presents all the same mechanics of SMW that players will be familiar with and does not make any alterations to the functionality of the game. While remaining true to the abilities and limitations, the game pushes the boundaries of every possible maneuver and trick in the player’s arsenal. A near-picture perfect grasp of the frames of Mario’s move set as well as hitboxes and what can and cannot kill you at certain points is required. This hack tests everything and mercilessly dishes out challenge after challenge until the very moment that you put it down.
Notably, most things that are considered to be “unfair” are ruthlessly built into the game along with invisible blocks (leading to death), blind jump (leading to death), near-impossible precision jumps and chain jumping enemies (often leading to death). Slap on devilishly placed enemies, levels with almost no safe walkable surface, and goalposts that will kill you, and you’ve got the perfect concoction for madness.
This hack does not make any changes to the original music of the game.
If you wish to play this game you can download the Kaizo Mario World Rom by clicking here.
So is this game worth a try? All salt aside, Kaizo Mario World, is a uniquely entertaining hack that took a simple concept and pushed it as far as it could go. It’s brutally challenging and for that reason extremely engaging. There’s a reason it is so popular (infamous, even) and why it stands out as one of the most iconic SMW hacks out there.
If you have played this game please let us know what you thought of the game by leaving us a comment.
How low can rom hacking actually go? Well, we're about to find out. Welcome to Kaizo Mario World. Please leave all hope and fun at the door before entering.What the hell is this?
Kaizo Mario World is a quite particular japanese rom hack which was brought upon everyone's attention by Wolfshirt on the forums. It is another one of those typical rom hacks, which are all about minimal game editing (I mean, the overworld map is almost exactly the same!), while making the game extra difficult. However, Kaizo Mario World do elevate the meaning of the word 'difficulty' to a whole new level. No area in this game will spare you. It will brutally slaughter you with close to impossible jumping feats, dastardly obstacles, and a lot of very nasty and quite unexpected traps.
On a side note, the hack has at least a few good things going for it. First of all, this is a very short rom hack. It do have only 14 levels, so provided you don't turn insane while you play, it can be completed rather quickly. Secondly, the hack is all about skill (and save-state abuse, there's NO way anyone could beat this game without save states). This means that the hack can actually be completed without having to exploit any bugs or glitches in the engine. What a relief!
How is this going to work?
A small team of insane people have been brought together to play this game. Proton Jon, Wugga and myself are all going to play the game and show you people what happens when rom hacking goes wrong. This is going to be a wild ride, filled to the brim with people being exasperated, angry and yelling so loudly that the nearby neighbors will come to shut us up.

(However, we would like you not to spoil the thread ahead by posting videos of areas that haven't been covered yet by the official team working on the thread. If you do videos of levels that none of us have played through yet, please be patient and wait for us to cover said level before you post them. Thanks!)
Every single video made for the thread will make its way to the OP! Official or not!
Sounds fun! I want to join in in order to get brutally and digitally raped!
Click here to download Kaizo Mario World! (thanks Wolfshirt)
In order to run this, you need a program called Lunar IPS and a rom of the American version of Super Mario World. As you get both, you can use Lunar IPS to patch the rom, using the data found in the .ips file you have downloaded. There you go, you got a brand new game! For better or for worse.
Kaizo Mario World Rom Hack Download Free
Wolfshirt plays the hack for the first time ever! | Google Video | Download AVI |
Official Content
Psychedelic Eyeball introduces the game and plays through Level 1! | Google Video | Download AVI |
Proton Jon warps through speed and time in the Yellow Switch Palace to find... what exactly? | Google Video | Download AVI |
Psychedelic Eyeball plays through the Yellow Switch Palace without using save states. Not for the faint of heart. | Google Video | Download AVI |
Psychedelic Eyeball is not enjoying his vacation with dolphins in Level 2. | Google Video | Download AVI |
Proton Jon finds a way to get paid while beating Level 3! | Google Video | Download AVI |
Psychedelic Eyeball loses a bet, but still plays through Level 3 because he's fucking stupid. | Google Video | Download AVI |
Wugga plays through the Ghost House and presses the F4 key one time too many. Freaking out ensues! | DailyMotion | Download AVI |
Proton Jon cruises through the easiest level of the game with some kicking tunes. | Google Video | Download AVI |
Psychedelic Eyeball refuses to listen to his doctors and plays the Red Switch Palace without save states. | Google Video | Download AVI |
Psychedelic Eyeball makes his way up to Bowser's Castle! Hell ensues. | Google Video | Download AVI |
Psychedelic Eyeball plays the same level again... with a tool-assisted twist! Or two. | Google Video | Download AVI |
Whose Wugga is it Anyway? He plays through the first level of the Special Zone! | DailyMotion | Download AVI |
Proton Jon plays the second level of the Special Zone... BLIND. Oh my god. (WATCH THIS EVERYONE) | Google Video | Download AVI |
Psychedelic Eyeball follows Wugga's lead and plays the second level of the Special Zone with no savestates! Yikes! | Google Video | Download AVI |
Psychedelic Eyeball takes a more educational approach and... who are we kidding? He still loses it as he plays the third level of the Special Zone. | Google Video | Download AVI |
In a dark and stormy... morning, Wugga plays the third level of the Special Zone without using savestates! | DailyMotion | Download AVI |
Not happy to suffer only once, Proton Jon successfully complete the last level of the Special Zone blind! | Google Video | Download AVI |
THE END, FINALLY. Everyone clench their teeth and play through Bowser's Castle in a race with no winner. Only psychological scars. | Mirror | Download AVI |
Other Content
Kaizo Mario World Rom Hack Download Full
Wugga tries to make Wolfshirt feel better, but fails since he do get further ahead in the game. | DailyMotion | Download AVI |
If you really suck at this game, Some Cool Guy will still do worse than you. | Google Video | Download AVI |
Rhapsha takes on an Exotica cruise through the Yellow Switch Palace! | Google Video | Download AVI |
Rhapsha makes me look like a fool and wins platinum for his dolphin hopping skills. | YouTube | Download AVI |
K-ParAdoX also manages to do nifty dolphin jumping, but gets too late to the party and got the door shut on his toes. Owww. | YouTube | Download AVI |
Duke of the Bump faces his fears and plays the level that cost him 10 bucks. | YouTube | Download AVI |
Duke of the Bump finally beats the level that cost him 10 bucks. | YouTube | Download AVI |
Nothing can make Rhapsha lose his cool. Not even the hot caves of Level 3. | Google Video | Download AVI |
Let's get away from this insanity and anger. Let's relax and do some Mario Painting with Matlock Birthmark (AKA Rhapsha). | Google Video | Download AVI |
Matlock Birthmark gets back in the insanity and provides his take on the Ghost House level. | Google Video | Download AVI |
Maximm is a dirty cheater and does a tool-assisted run of World 1, but we love him anyway because it's fun to watch. | YouTube | Download AVI |
McKain plays through the Red Switch Palace without save states... and succeeds quite admirably. Too bad he committed suicide afterwards. | Google Video | Download AVI |
Sinix attempts a blind run of Special Zone 4. What a weird level! | Google Video | Download AVI |
Sinix is not playing the right game and find a new way to get the feather. | Google Video | Download AVI |
Heisanevilgenius gives the game the middle finger with a tool-assisted run of the entire game. | Google Video | Download AVI |