SIP is based on a request/response transaction model where each transaction consists of a request that invokes a particular method or function on the server and at least one response. Diagram of a request, acceptance, setup and termination of a call. Looking for online definition of SIP or what SIP stands for? SIP is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms The Free Dictionary.

Acronym | Definition |
SIP | Session Initiation Protocol |
SIP | Single Inline Package |
SIP | Savings Investment Plan |
SIP | Serial Interface Protocol |
SIP | System(s) Integration Plan |
SIP | System(s) Implementation Plan |
SIP | State Implementation Plan (EPA) |
SIP | Structural Insulated Panel (construction) |
SIP | School Improvement Plan |
SIP | Systematic Investment Plan (finance) |
SIP | Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa (Spanish: Inter-American Press Association; Miami, FL) |
SIP | Special Interest Project (various organizations) |
SIP | System in a Package |
SIP | System Integrity Protection (security) |
SIP | School Improvement Partner (UK) |
SIP | System Informacji Przestrzennej (Polish: Spatial Information System) |
SIP | Spanish, Italian and Portuguese (various schools) |
SIP | Share Incentive Plan |
SIP | Summer Internship Program |
SIP | Second Intermediate Period |
SIP | Science in Parliament (various locations) |
SIP | Stay-In-Place (engineering construction) |
SIP | System Idle Process (computing) |
SIP | Software in Partnership (est. 2002) |
SIP | Suzhou Industrial Park (Suzhou, China) |
SIP | Software India Pvt. Ltd. |
SIP | Still in Progress |
SIP | Sickness Impact Profile |
SIP | Supplementary Input Panel |
SIP | Spa Interface Processor |
SIP | Signal Image Processing |
SIP | Special Interest Publication |
SIP | Serial Interface Processor |
SIP | Signaling Point |
SIP | Session Internet Protocol |
SIP | System Idle Process |
SIP | System Initialization Program |
SIP | Source Ip |
SIP | System in Package |
SIP | Scsi Interlocked Protocol |
SIP | Single Inline Processor |
SIP | Simple Ip |
SIP | Swords into Plowshares |
SIP | Science Internship Program (University of California, Santa Cruz) |
SIP | Sterilization in Place (drug/medicine production) |
SIP | Spanish Immersion Program (education) |
SIP | Soft Input Panel |
SIP | Steam in Place |
SIP | Silicon Intellectual Property |
SIP | School Improvement Partner (UK education) |
SIP | Surgical Infection Prevention |
SIP | Seat Index Point |
SIP | SPA Interface Processor (Cisco) |
SIP | Safety Improvement Plan (various organizations) |
SIP | Station Information Profile (radio) |
SIP | SMDS Interface Protocol |
SIP | Shelter In Place |
SIP | Special Interest Publication (publishing) |
SIP | Strategic Investment Program (Australian government) |
SIP | Social Integration and Participation (various organizations) |
SIP | Submission Information Package |
SIP | Society for Invertebrate Pathology (Knoxville, TN) |
SIP | Semiconductor Intellectual Property |
SIP | Service Information Portal (software) |
SIP | Single Inline Package (semiconductor industry) |
SIP | Simple Internet Protocol |
SIP | Social Inclusion Partnership |
SIP | Stochastic Integer Programming |
SIP | Stable-Isotope Probing |
SIP | System Improvement Plan |
SIP | Social Information Processing |
SIP | State Industrial Products |
SIP | Service Improvement Program |
SIP | Shelter Implementation Plan |
SIP | Signal Input Port |
SIP | System Improvement Program (SINCGARS) |
SIP | Strategic Implementation Planning (various organizations) |
SIP | System Improvement Program |
SIP | Signal/Image Processing |
SIP | Secure Internet Programming (Princeton University) |
SIP | Stickler Involved People |
SIP | Sabic Innovative Plastics |
SIP | Scale Irrigation Project (various organizations) |
SIP | School Intervention Program (various schools) |
SIP | Società Italiana di Psichiatria |
SIP | Sociedad Interamericana de Psicologia |
SIP | Sustainable Industrial Production |
SIP | Seasonal to Interannual Prediction (World Meteorological Organization) |
SIP | Sindicato de Industriales de Panama (Spanish: Panamanian Industrialists Society, Panama) |
SIP | Structured Investment Product |
SIP | Session Invitation Protocol (Internet conferencing, telephony) |
SIP | Schools Integration Project |
SIP | Strongly Implicit Procedure |
SIP | Software Installation Plan |
SIP | Student Internship Programme |
SIP | Strategic Inflection Point |
SIP | Self-Inspection Program |
SIP | Standard Interchange Protocol (3M delevolped data transfer protocol for library systems.) |
SIP | State Implementation Program |
SIP | Surf in Peace |
SIP | Server Interface Pod (Dell/Avocent) |
SIP | Scientific Instrument Package (gaming) |
SIP | Sales Incentive Plan |
SIP | Sosyalist Iktidar Partisi (Party of Socialist Power; now Türkiye Komünist Partisi) |
SIP | System Implementation Plan |
SIP | Streamlined Inspection Program |
SIP | Shut-In Pressure |
SIP | Statistical Inference Package (mathematics) |
SIP | Standard Inspection Procedure |
SIP | Shareholder Investment Program (various companies) |
SIP | Service Implementation Plan |
SIP | Simferopol, Ukraine - Simferopol (Airport Code) |
SIP | Sector Investment Programmes |
SIP | Società Idroelettrica Piemonte |
SIP | Ship In Place |
SIP | Serial Interface Processor (Cisco) |
SIP | Structural Integrity Program |
SIP | Standardization Instructor Pilot |
SIP | Sooner If Possible (Similar to ASAP) |
SIP | Southern Independence Party |
SIP | Space Interferometry Mission |
SIP | Safer Internet Plan (various organizations) |
SIP | Structural Improvement Program (various organizations) |
SIP | Statistically Improbable Phrase ( |
SIP | Symbolic Input Program |
SIP | Spontaneous Intestinal Perforation (newborn condition) |
SIP | SINCGARS Improvement Program |
SIP | Site Implementation Plan |
SIP | Separation Incentive Pay |
SIP | Staff Inspection Program (US Army) |
SIP | Single Integrated Picture |
SIP | System Integration Plan |
SIP | Senior Inspector of Police |
SIP | Strain Isolation Pad |
SIP | Security Investment Program |
SIP | Standard Interface Panel |
SIP | Simulated Input Processor |
SIP | SCSI Interlock Protocol |
SIP | Statewide Implementation Program |
SIP | Stay in Prayer |
SIP | Sulfoisophthalate |
SIP | Software Integration Plan |
SIP | System Initialization Table |
SIP | Support Information Package (USAP) |
SIP | Société Interaméricaine de La Presse (French: Inter American Press Society) |
SIP | Soul Influenced Product (nightclub in Geneva, Switzerland) |
SIP | Special Investigative Panel |
SIP | Safety Implementation Plan |
SIP | Sprint Internet Passport |
SIP | Soft Intellectual Property (integrated circuit designs) |
SIP | Station Independence Program (PBS) |
SIP | Satellite Interceptor Program |
SIP | Software Improvement Program |
SIP | Segment Interface Protocol |
SIP | Stationary Inflection Point |
SIP | Station Information Packet |
SIP | Semporna Islands Park (Malaysia) |
SIP | Smart Installment Plan (Citibank, Pakistan) |
SIP | Scanner Interface Processor |
SIP | Stability Improvement Program |
SIP | SOGS Invocable Procedure |
SIP | Systems Integration Panel |
SIP | Stop Internet Plagiarism |
SIP | Systems Infrastructure Project |
SIP | Stochastic Information Packet |
SIP | Standard Initial Provisioning |
SIP | Scientific Investigations Plan |
SIP | States Inventory Project |
SIP | Self-Igniting Phosphorus |
SIP | Satellite Image Processor |
SIP | Shuttle Interface Panel |
SIP | Shield Isolation Point |
SIP | SACLANT Intelligence Plan |
SIP | Signal Inline Package |
SIP | Seniors Info Plus |
SIP | Site Investigation Planning |
SIP | Ship Instrumentation Package (US Navy) |
SIP | System Implementation Posture (system documentation) |
SIP | SMDC Interface Protocol |
SIP | Systems Intelligence Products Co., Ltd (Japan) |
SIP | Synchronized Interleaved Polling (Sprint) |
SIP | Site Information Processor |
SIP | Step Increase Program |
SIP | Small Inverse Problem |
SIP | Substituent Interaction Parameter |
SIP | Status Indicator Panel |
SIP | Systems Integration and Protection |
SIP | Security Improvement Process |
SIP | Subsystem Implementation Plan |
SIP | System/Ship Improvement Plan/Program |
SIP | Staging Initiation Package |
SIP | Submission Input Processing |
SIP | Standard Installation Plan |
SIP | Singe Inline Pin |
SIP | Special Intelligence Processing |
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